Lingerie Parties.

Lingerie parties are the crème of the crop of risqué activities. Who would have thought it would evolve so easily from an activity that was simply comparable to Tupper ware parties. Yup, the hot, intense and erotic event you love to go to or are anticipating and Lingerie Shopping for evolved from the lingerie equivalent of a Tupperware party.

Simply put, lingerie parties started as a sales party for lingerie. A group of ladies in the vicinity would be invited while one of them would serve as a host. Of course, the host could simply be someone wanting to host a fun event or the salesperson themselves. there would be drinks, board games, and prizes; your typical party meet up of the ’70s.

There would be a few discounts that would vary based on attendance, participation, and how many items had already been bought. Most times, the biggest discount would go to the host of the event as gratuity for you know, being the host. They were often organized by housewives and companies or individual sales representatives.

Over time, they were hosted as bachelorette parties and got a lot more risqué with all the guests wearing lingerie as opposed to simply trying them on to buy. Presently, lingerie parties have to take on a mantra and name for themselves, as parties hosted for adult entertainment. Sometimes but not always hosted by swinger groups. The dynamic is still the same, people dress up in lingerie, drink, and listen to music. However, now they rock against each other and grind to the music.

The intensity, of course, is higher by default since everyone is dressed down in lingerie and far more exposed than usual. Leading to adventurous and naughty behavior.

If you are on the fence about attending, remember that this is simply a form of sensual exploration, which is its own kind of growth.

And don’t forget to treat yourself with a piece of Erotic Lingerie or Elegant Lingerie coupled with a body harness fashion lingerie or body chain fashion lingerie!

Good luck!

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